String of Turtles 7 Care Tips so your Plant Thrives



Nothing adds a burst of positive energy to a home likening surrounded by some green foliage in your home. What’s not to love about indoor plants? Not only do they naturally clean the air but numerous studies have also shown that having indoor plants makes you happier and healthier.

So without further ado I hereby introduce to you the String of turtles plant! Just by looking at this pretty plant you can’t but immediately smile thanks to its adorable leaves that look exactly like tiny turtle shells! String of turtles, or Peperomia prostrata is the perfect little plant for your small space needs. Its a slow growth rate plant that does well in a small pot that doesn’t need to be changed. Not only is it perfect for small spaces but it’s also a low maintenance plant. Sign me up!

Don’t let the small size put you off. String of Turtles plant can be quite dramatic. The string of turtles plant manages to create a big impact thanks to it’s vines that grow quickly into a glorious cascading effect. I love the jungle cruise vibe it sets off. If your surface space is limited then fear not, hanging baskets are perfect to use with string of turtles.They also make a great addition to any window sill or terrarium thanks to its small footprint and adorable appearance.

If you have no idea what a terrarium is then read this article here that will lift the curtain on all things terrarium.

There really is not much not to love about this adorable plant, a plant that was previously rare and difficult to find is now available online via Amazon! Price ranges from $10 – $30 which is relatively inexpensive.

The perfect gift idea to give to friends and loved ones. If you have animals that love to chew on your plants then fear not, string of turtles are not toxic and pose no threat to your precious animals.

Here are 7 Care requirements to ensure your String of Turtle Plant Thrives


String of Turtles prefer diffused or moderate light. Harsh or direct sunlight will most like turn its pretty green leaves to a faded yellow. If you see that happening then the lighting is most likely the cause. Try place it near a west facing window  somewhere bright where the sunlight is filtered or diffused.


Because string of turtles is built to store water through dry periods its important not to over water the plant or else the plants little roots will rot. It’s a plant that does not require daily watering and will grow best with spaced out water intervals. A method to check when is a good time to water your string of turtles is by touching the soil with your finger and feeling if the plant is thirsty based on the ‘dryness’ of the soil. If you don’t trust yourself and don’t have green fingers then a moisture reader can be used which is easily available from Amazon or your nearest Nursery.

Its also important to make sure the plant is placed in the correct pot. Make sure your pot allows for adequate drainage or else the poor roots will be sitting in a pool of water waiting to rot. Generally the String of Turtles is a plant that is watered on a weekly basis. Once you get to know your plant better you will be able to get into a easy watering routine that doesn’t require daily attention. Only water when at least 2? of topsoil is dry. For many indoor gardeners, this means watering only once every two or three weeks. Your plant’s requirements may vary depending on the humidity level in your home and other factors.


Peperomia Prostrata or String of Turtles is a semi-succulent plant originating from Brazil. Because of its tropical heritage it loves high humidity. Its love of humid environments makes it the perfect plant to place in your bathroom or in terrariums because of its love for humidity.

Do not confuse the String of turtles love of humidity for its thirstiness. The principle of not over-watering is still applicable.If you want a more specific indication of humidity level then a humidity level at around 50% is perfect. There are readers that show you temperature and humidity levels in your home such as this one available on Amazon.

String of Turtles appreciate the warmer months so its important to note the humidity during your cooler or winter months. Depending where you live generally the air gets a lot drier during these months so its a good idea to lightly spray the plant with a bit of water on a regular month during this period.


Being a tropical plant string of turtles prefer temperate to warm temperatures 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit (18-24ºC)

In cooler or winter months you can expect its growth rate to slow down.

Potting Mix

As mentioned previously you want to avoid drowning your string of turtles roots. The soil it lives in should be damp not drenched and soggy.

The soil mix is important because you want something that has good draining properties. A peat moss or sphagnum moss potting mix of organic soil will work really well and offer the correct drainage. Two parts peat to one part perlite or sand works well. The correct PH level you are looking for is between 5 and 7.

With correct drainage your string of Turtle plant will happily thrive to a plant with healthy roots and beautiful healthy vines.

Air Circulation

Placing your precious string of turtle plant in an area that is well aerated will help the plant evaporate any excess moisture from the soil. Don’t overdo it and place it in a very drafty zone. Definitely don’t place it in front of an air-cons breezy wrath.


I don’t believe that fertiliser is absolutely necessary in fact string of turtles can live happily in any basic houseplant soil, correct drainage permitting. If you want to speed up the growth then feeding it fertiliser will certainly help but remember to keep the diet light.

Good quality fertilisers like Troforte or Organic Link will work well. These Miracle Grow plant food spikes are pretty cool and low maintenance. For a growth booster Groconut works well but you also want to feed your little plant a complete menu of nutrients which you can deliver using Foliage Pro.

With a little bit of love and care, your String of Turtles will thrive for many years to come!

Thanks for reading and good luck with your plant!